Doda (Pakistani) - (Urdu Dubbed)
The story revolves around a former boxer DODA from lyari town (one of the oldest towns in Karachi). Once he wants to become a world champion in boxing, but nowadays he is working as a labor in a shipbreaking yard (far from his hometown) and most of the time he recalls his past memories of his glory days of boxing, memories of his beloved sister, promises which he made with his loved one and the event which unbearable for him and makes him feel guilty of what he had done in his past. The film goes through the journey of Doda, and how he can survive and overcome his past and make things right once again.
Directed by Adil Bizanjo
Written by Adil Bizanjo, Saqib Bizanjo, Jawed Shay
Starring Ayaz Ali, Imran Baloch, Shah Baloch
Genre Action, Sport
Release Date 02-Sep-2022