Munda Southall Da (Punjabi)
“Munda Southall Da” follows the story of Arjun, a young and happy student from Southall dreaming to play tournament football, who meets another student outgoing, tomboyish Raavi in a chance encounter. When the pair begin to fall in love, Raavi’s dad gives his blessing but only on the condition Raavi fulfils a family promise by completing a ‘contract marriage’ with another man first. When immigration questions the authenticity of their marriage, Raavi is compelled by her dad and her “in laws” to turn this into a real marriage and have a child to satisfy the immigration officer. When things go awry their lives take an unexpected twist and Raavi is left behind pregnant to raise her child on her own. On the other hand, Arjun is left behind to pick the peices of his lost love and move on with his life. Years later, Raavi’s son Daler from her contract marriage goes looking for his dad comes across Arjun’s picture in Raavi’s room. When he realizes that Arjun is his moms lost love, he becomes determined to re-connect them. Can luck, time, family and most importantly the help of Raavi’s 8 year old son friends help Raavi and Arjun find their way back to each other to have a second chance at their perfect love?
Directed by Sukh Sanghera
Written by Sukh Sanghera
Starring Armaan Bedil, Tanu Grewal
Genre Romance
Release Date 04-Aug-2023